INMSREPS is 20 Member Multi-Model, Multi-Boundaries on 0.25 degree horizontal resolution with 40 vertical levels running twice a dayat 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast from HH+00h upto HH+72 h (with 6hourly forecast
This file contains information on the common format for grib files (atmospheric models) in the MAP D-PHASE context. In particular it is listed which individual model output parameters are contained in
Model configuration for this member is: HAV. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HAV. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HAV. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HEC. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HEC. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HEC. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HGM. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HGM. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HGM. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HUK. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the
Model configuration for this member is: HUK. The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the