dphase_implementation_plan_info: pdf-file with subsection (ip-3.1.3.) of MAP D-PHASE implementation plan

Additional Info
This file contains information on the common format for grib files (atmospheric models) in the MAP D-PHASE context. In particular it is listed which individual model output parameters are contained in the data sets referred to as
- "FIX" : constant fields
- "TPT2": tot_prec, t_2m
- "SURF": all 2d fields except tot_prec, t_2m, and all constant 2d fields
- "PLEV": 3d fields on pressure levels
- "MUVW": u, v, and w on model levels
- "MTPQ": T, p, and qv on model levels
- "MCLO": qc and qi (CLOud quantities) on model levels
- "MRAI": qr, qs, qg, and qh (RAIn quantities) on model levels.
DPHASE (D-PHASE, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region)
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Authorized Persons
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
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Authorized Persons
234.11 KiB (239730 Byte)
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dphase_mm5_2_4d: MM5 model forecast with 2 km horizontal resolution based on 4DVAR assimilation of GPS data run by UHOH for the MAP D-PHASE project
[Entry acronym: dphase_implementation_plan_info] [Entry id: 2164817]