Database maintenance from 23-Oct-2024 to 30-Oct-2024From 23-Oct-2024 8:00 CEST to 30-Oct-2024 18:00 CEST we will migrate the WDCC database to a new server. During this time metadata input using the metaXA and citeXA applications and DOI registrations will not be available. Data download will still be possible, with the exception of short interruptions, however no new user accounts will be created during the maintenance.

World Data Center for Climate

The WDCC has the mission to archive, disseminate and publish Earth System model data and related data products to support the international climate research community. The WDCC is a discipline specific repository providing active preservation for research only.dsa Therefore WDCC is using common metadata standards and is recommending the usage of community data standards like the Climate Forecast (CF) Conventions. The WDCC is certified by Core Trust Seal (CTS) and an accredited regular member of the World Data System.

WDCC is following the FAIR principles - all metadata is openly accessible, the access to the data is free of charge. The WDCC is hosted by the German Climate Computing Center (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ) in Hamburg.


Data access

Regarding the FAIR principles all metadata is openly accessible. The data download is free for registered users. Please register here.

The graphical web interface of the WDCC offers a wide variety of search options based on the stored metadata. These allow a quick discovery of the data desired, sorted by project, topics, temporal and spatial coverage, or other facets.

Data from the long-term archive are downloadable either by using the graphical user-interface or by the command line tool jblob. Access and download is free of charge. Licenses which regulate the use are provided for all data objects.

Data archiving

The DKRZ provides two different tiers of long-term archiving:

WDCC is the long-term archiving service in the WDCC. This service is available for DKRZ HPC (high performance computing) project data as well as data from external sources. Conditions for this need are to be negotiated. The full set of metadata facilitates the interdisciplinary reuse.

DOKU is an additional service for DKRZ HPC users and offers long-term archiving for data of DKRZ HPC projects as reference data only. A basic set of metadata, supplied by the data producer, describes the data and make it easily findable in the long-term archive.

Data publication

The DKRZ offers a DataCite data publication service for WDCC long-term archived data.

The data publication process is similar to the publication of an article in a scientific journal. Data, published with a DOI at WDCC has to meet certain quality requirements. The permanent access to data is granted by the assigned unique persistent identifier DOI - data and metadata remain unchanged.

DataCite DOI data is formally citable in scientific paper publications along with literature citations and counts towards the data creator's list of scientific publications

If you have comments, suggestions, bug reports or any other problems when using this interface, please contact

Software updates are performed from 8:00 to 10:00 CEST on Mondays, therefore access to the user interface of the WDCC might be unavailable during this period of time.