cops_nebt_ubt_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007
The energy balance stations run by University of Bayreuth measured either high-frequency (20 Hz) eddy-covariance raw data with a CSAT3 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) sonic anemometer and a LI-7500 (LI-COR
cops_nebt_ubt3etg_flux_d: Eddy-covariance turbulence data of the energy balance network (NEBT) operating during COPS 2007: station UBT3ETG (Fischerbach)
The energy balance station UBT3ETG near Fischerbach measured high-frequency (20 Hz) eddy-covariance raw data with a CSAT3 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) sonic anemometer and a KH20 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.)
The modified Bowen ratio system at the station UBT2T near Fussbach was equipped with a USA-1 (METEK GmbH, Germany) sonic anemometer and two psychrometers (Frankenberger) above the target land use type
cops_nebt_ubt1etg_flux_d: Eddy-covariance turbulence data of the energy balance network (NEBT) operating during COPS 2007: station UBT1ETG (Fussbach I)
The energy balance station UBT1ETG near Fussbach measured high-frequency (20 Hz) eddy-covariance raw data with a CSAT3 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) sonic anemometer and a LI-7500 (LI-COR Biosciences) hygrometer
The energy balance station UBT4ETG near Hagenbuch measured high-frequency (20 Hz) eddy-covariance raw data with a CSAT3 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) sonic anemometer and a LI-7500 (LI-COR Biosciences) hygrometer