The Collaborative Research Centre TRR181 “Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean” is an inter-institutional project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Its aim is contributing to a better
This is the 4000-yr control run with MPI-ESM-CR v. 1.2, carried out with fixed preindustrial CO2 concentrations. It provides the initial conditions for the abrupt 2% CO2 increase forcing and 1% ramp-up
Beyond Forcing Scenarios: Predicting Climate Change through Response Operators in a Coupled General Circulation Model: 1% annual CO2 increase ramp experiment
MPI-ESM model (T31 resolution) v. 1.2: ramp forcing experiment with 1% CO2 concentration increase every year until doubling with respect to pre-industrial values. A ramp forcing experiment with linear
MPI-ESM model (T31 resolution) v. 1.2: step forcing experiment with abrupt doubling of CO2 concentrations A step forcing experiment with instantaneous doubling of CO2 concentrations at t=0. The experiment