The main goal of the General Observation Period (GOP) within the Priority Programm on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting is to gather a comprehensive data set suitable for testing hypotheses and new
The following articles dealing with GOP data have been written and published so far. Please note: These articles have been published with free access to public, while the full copyright policies of each
Rain gauge data and also analysed fields from the diverse sources are assembled. For Berlin a high spatial resolution network combining observations by water authorities, DWD and own data is produced
All DWD radar products and original 3-D radar measurements will be made available. A quicklook inventory will allow the PQP participants to pick case studies easily. The PQP project VERIPREG (Paulat et
The GOP includes 1) a cooperation with European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) and 2) the use of lidar ceilometers which are based on much simpler techniques compared to research lidars but
Ground-based GPS receivers measure the Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) in mm which is the sum of the Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) caused by the atmospheres dry components and the Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD) resulting
Continuous observations by two networks will be made available to PQP: The SAFIR (Surveillance et Alerte Foudre par Interferometrie Radioelectrique) total lightning detection system in Northern Germany
Meteosat Second Generation (MSG), MODIS and MERIS observations will by available by implementing a near real time (NRT) processing. This will provide an excellent overview of the current weather situation,
The observations from meteorological stations (DWD, Meteorological and Geographical Institutes, research organizations, etc.) provide continuous information on the atmospheric state. In particular we
Up to three cloud base heights of the ceilometer network of the German weather service. For no clouds detected -999. is the _FillValue. For instrument failure -9.e+33f. is taken.
Atmoshperic water vapor content and zenith wet delay derived from gps (Global Positioning System) measurements by the Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam within the EUMETNET GPS water vapour programme.