This experiment comprises one specified dynamics hind-cast simulation (1979-2019) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD1 protocol, see
SPARC, 2021: SPARC Newsletter No. 57, July 2021,
This experiment comprises an ensemble of three free-running combined hind-cast and projections simulations (1950-2099) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD2 protocol, see
This experiment comprises one free-running hind-cast simulation (1950-2019) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD1 protocol, see
SPARC, 2021: SPARC Newsletter No. 57, July 2021, 39
High resolution obstacle-resolved model results for the city centre of Hamburg, Germany, from the microscale transport and stream model MITRAS on 21 June 2000
This experiment contains the model output of a simulation by the microscale obstacle resolving model MITRAS (Salim et al., 2018; Schluenzen et al., 2018, model version MITRAS ver2 rev471a5b5). MITRAS can
This experiment comprises 4 different simulations:
- hind-cast simulations, free-running
- SSTs/SICs: global data set HadISST provided by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre
- model data output mostly
This experiment comprises 3 different simulations:
- future simulations scenario RCP6.0
- model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables,
Simulation with most recent version of MADE3 into the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model EMAC, including a detailed evaluation of a ten-year aerosol simulation with MADE3 as part of EMAC.
Simulation with most recent version of MADE3 into the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model EMAC, including a detailed evaluation of a ten-year aerosol simulation with MADE3 as part of EMAC.
Volcanic SO2 data derived from limb viewing satellites for the lower stratosphere from 1998 to 2012, and from nadir viewing satellites for the troposphere
This directory (experiment) contains volcanic SO2 data derived from limb viewing satellites for the lower stratosphere from 1998 to 2012. The usage of the data is described in Timmreck et al., (2018),
This experiment comprises 5 different simulations:
- hind-cast simulations with specified dynamics from 1979 to 2013
- ERA-Interim SSTs/SICs
“wave zero” (i.e. the global
The concentrations and deposition of atmospheric constituents such as air pollutants were modeled with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model system for the year 2008. A focus was on sea salt
These are the primary data of the paper "Sensitivity of Simulated Meospsheric Transport of Nitrogen Oxides to Parameterized Gravity Waves" written by K. Meraner, H. Schmidt, E. Manzini, B. Funke and A.
Significant amounts of ozone have stratospheric origin and are transported to the troposphere along deep tropopause folds. Since they influence the long-term trend of tropospheric ozone, it is therefore
Hindcast simulation with a climate-chemistry-aerosol coupled model ECHAM5-HAMMOZ for the period 1980-2005. The ECHAM5-HAMMOZ model is composed of the climate model ECHAM5 coupled with the aerosol model