The second generation General Circulation Model (GCMII) at the Canadian Climate Centre was used to run a CO2 experiment in which the current climate (1xCO2) was compared with a new equilibrium climate
Oregon State University Climate Model Products for Carbon Dioxide Studies: This dataset contains climate model outputs from Oregon State University. 1xCO2. Format information is available as additional info.
The 1990 UKHI equilibrium runs include a control run at 96x72 global resolution. From this run we received numerous parameters as a 10-year daily time series and as monthly, seasonal, and annual 10-year
This experiment contains model outputs from climate models at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). This model run was made in 1989. The model was an atmosphere-ocean coupled model, run at
This experiment contains model outputs from climate models at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). This model run was made in 1989. The model was an atmosphere-ocean coupled model, run at
This dataset contains three file: Monthly global 20-year climatologies, ground cover mask and surface geopotential. For further information see summary of corresponding experiment.
This dataset contains 13 files, 12 files of monthly 10-year climatologies, one file for each month and one file with model elevation. For more information see summary of corresponding experiment.
This dataset contains 14 files, 2 of them contain monthly values for model years 1 through 10 and the other 12 files contain daily output for model years 1 through 3. For more information see summary of corresponding experiment.
This dataset contains 6 files, one of them contains monthly, annual, and seasonal 10-year climatologies and the other five files contain monthly values for May/model year 2 through April/model year 12.