Kalthoff, Norbert; Eigenmann, Rafael; Foken, Thomas
Site with following Instruments: Gill Ultrasonic, wind direction, wind speed, 5 m Fast PTTU, temperature, 2 m and 4 m height Meteo Labor dew point mirror SW32, relative humidity, 2 m and 4 m
Longitude 8.43
Latitude 48.53
Altitude: 771 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
to 2007-08-30
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed.
Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (http://cops.wdc-climate.de/)
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
Authorized Persons
238.88 KiB (244609 Byte)
completely archived
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Cite as
[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Kalthoff, Norbert; Eigenmann, Rafael; Foken, Thomas (2011). cops_nebt_imk_met: meteorological data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network run by FZK/IMK-TRO during COPS 2007. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/cops_nebt_imk_met
Gill Ultrasonic resolution: 0.01 m/s wind speed offset: +- 0.02 m/s direction accuracy wind less than 30 m/s: +-2 degrees wind more than 30 m/s: +-4 degrees Fast PTTU standard deviation of Celsius values: 0.01 Celsius Meteo Labor dew point mirror accuracy: +-0.3 Celsius
Completeness report
There is some lack of data due to maintenance. There are several major gaps: ...
There is some lack of data due to maintenance. There are several major gaps: 06.06.2007 08:45 - 14.06.2007 11:10 22.06.2007 17:40 - 29.06.2007 08:50 02.08.2007 05:40 - 10.08.2007 09:00