ENSEMBLES STREAM2 EGMAM2 SRA1B run3, monthly mean values

Hoeschel, Ines

These data represent monthly values (monthly mean,
annual cycle) of selected
variables for ENSEMBLES (http://www.ensembles-eu.org). The
list of output variables can be found in:

The model was further developed since ENSEMBLES stream 1 by including
a sulfate aerosole transport scheme (Feichter et al, 1997),
varying ozone concentrations and land use changes (land use
data from ENSEMBLES project:

The A1B scenario is the part of the A1 family which describes a
balance across all energy sources. The experiment is initialized in
year 2000 of the 20C3M_3 run and continues until year 2100 with anthropogenic forcings (CO2,
CH4, N2O, CFCs) according to A1B. Additionally, sulphur emissions
are used to run a sulfate transport scheme.

The datasets are available in netCDF format.
The dataset names are composed of
- centre/model acronym (FUBEMA: Freie Universitaet Berlin / EGMAM (=ECHO-G with Middle Atmosphere and Messy))
- scenario acronym (SRA1B)
- run number (3: run 3)
- time interval (MM:monthly mean, DM:daily mean, DC:diurnal cycle, 6H:6 hourly, 12h:12hourly)
- variable acronym [with level value] (e.g. hur850: relative humidity, 850 hPa)
--> example: FUBEMA2_SRA1B_3_DM_hur850

For this experiment 1 run was carried out.

For model output data in higher temporal resolution and more variables
contact Ines Hoeschel.

Technical data to this experiment:
The experiment used AGCM MA/ECHAM4 (T30L39) coupled to OGCM HOPE-G (T42 with equator refinement, L20), and was run on a NEC SX-6 (hurrikan.dkrz.de).
ENSEMBLES (Production of seasonal to decadal hindcasts and climate change scenarios)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90 Altitude: 0 m to 10 hPa
Temporal Coverage
2000-01-01 to 2100-12-30 (360_day)
Use constraints
According to Ensembles Data Policy (http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com/docs/Ensembles_Data_Policy_261108.pdf)
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
2.65 GiB (2840821344 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Hoeschel, Ines (2010). ENSEMBLES_STREAM2_FUBEMA2_SRA1B_run3. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://hdl.handle.net/21.14106/5403f5937340e7261d6b76570e54ca39fb214e9d

as consistent as the models are
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Attached Datasets ( 127 )

Details for selected entry
[Entry acronym: ENSEMBLES2_FUBEMA2_SRA1B_3_MM] [Entry id: 2232717]