The project "MPIC TROPOMI applications" focusses on applications of TROPOMI L2 NO2 measurements for determining NOx emissions and sinks,
making use of the high signal to noise ratio and high horizontal spatial resolution of TROPOMI.
We present an updated (v2) catalog of NOx emissions from point sources as derived from TROPOMI measurements
of NO2 (PAL product, May 2018 - Nov 2021) combined with wind fields from ERA5. Compared to version
We detect and quantify NOx point sources from the divergence of the horizontal NOx flux based on the continuity equation.
The analysis steps are:
- The NOx flux is determined for each TROPOMI (TROPOspheric
This dataset provides maps of the temporal mean advection (in the sense of change of the advected NOx column) which is the basis of the identification and quantification of NOx point source emissions. For details see Beirle et al., ESSD, 2023.
The point source catalog v1.0 lists NOx emissions for 451 locations which have been automatically detected and quantified from local maxima in maps of the divergence of the NOx flux as determined from