HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 model simulations to project future change in the coupled physical-biogeochemical system at high Southern Ocean latitudes
This experiment includes all datasets obtained with the global ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM1.4-REcoM2. Model simulations include a representation of ice-shelf cavities and are eddy-permitting
mil0017 is the continuation of full forcing experiment mil0012 (ensemble member 2) The output from the experiment is archived at hpss:/dxul/ut/9/prj/im0387/m212098/cosmos-1.1.0_millennium/experiments/mil0017
mil0018 is the continuation of full forcing experiment mil0013 (ensemble member 3) The output from the experiment is archived at hpss:/dxul/ut/9/prj/im0387/m212098/cosmos-1.1.0_millennium/experiments/mil0018
mil0019 is the continuation of full forcing experiment mil0014 (ensemble member 4) The output from the experiment is archived at hpss:/dxul/ut/9/prj/im0387/m212098/cosmos-1.1.0_millennium/experiments/mil0019
mil0020 is the continuation of full forcing experiment mil0015 (ensemble member 5) The output from the experiment is archived at hpss:/dxul/ut/9/prj/im0387/m212098/cosmos-1.1.0_millennium/experiments/mil0020
Continuation of full forcing experiment (mil0010) The output from the experiment is archived at hpss:/dxul/ut/9/prj/im0387/m212098/cosmos-1.1.0_millennium/experiments/mil0016