Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3 - historical simulation with varying terrigenous inputs and routing of coastal erosion in the POM pool (EXP8)
Oziel, Laurent et al.
Dataset Group
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This project includes global model simulations with the global multi-resolution Finite Volume Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM version 2.1) coupled to the Regulated Ecosystem Model (REcoM version 3). For this project, model simulations include a representation of terrigenous inputs from both rivers and coastal erosion and were run from 1950-2100 on a model grid with eddy-permitting (4.5 km) resolution at pan-Arctic scale. The ocean-only model simulations were forced at the ocean surface with 3-hourly atmospheric output from the AWI Climate Model. The project includes model experiments under four “Shared Socioeconomic Pathways” emission scenarios, a control run and sensitivity experiments.
This experiment (also called EXP8) represents the simulation with terrigenous inputs during the historical period but with routing of the coastal erosion to POM (Particulate Organic Matter) pool.
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Oziel, Laurent; Gürses, Özgür; Torres-Valdes, Sinhué; Hoppe, J.M.; Rost, Björn; Karakuş, Onur; Danek, Christopher; Juhls, Bennet; Völker, Christopher; Koldunov, Nikolay; Wang, Qiang; Iversen, Morten H.; Koch, Boris P.; Nissen, Cara; Hauck, Judith (2024). Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3 with eddy-permitting grid resolution and terrigenous inputs in the Arctic Ocean. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3 with eddy-permitting grid resolution and terrigenous inputs in the Arctic Ocean