[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ] Please note: ModE-RAclim is only a side product of the ModE project. ModE-RAclim does not contain centennial scale climate variability. For most users the main product ModE-RA therefore should be used for regular studies on past climate.
ModE-RAclim is an alternative version of ModE-RA, the main reanalysis product of this project. ModE-RAclim can be used as a sensitivity study to investigate the effects of stationary covariances. Same as ModE-RA it is a monthly 3-dimensional reanalysis product covering the period from 1421 to 2008. It was created by combining information on historical climate - including early instrumental data, documentary data, and proxy data - with additional physical constraints from ModE-Sim (Modern Era Simulations, to be found within this WDC project as a separate experiment), a large ensemble of simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model. Observed anomalies were assimilated with an offline Ensemble Kalman filtering technique.
One of the main differences between ModE-RAclim and ModE-RA is on the model side: ModE-RAclim uses 100 randomly picked years from ModE-Sim as a priori state for improved covariance estimation, but thereby assuming stationarity in the covariance structure and eliminating the externally forced signal in the model simulations. In contrast, ModE-RA uses 20 distinct transient members of ModE-Sim, retaining the externally forced signal.
Reference for ModE-RA and ModE-RAclim:
Veronika Valler, Franke. J. , Brugnara. Y. , Samakinwa, E., Hand, R. , Lundstad, E., Burgdorf, A., and Stefan Brönnimann, 2023 (in preparation): ModE-RA - A global monthly paleo-reanalysis of the modern era (1421 to 2008), to be submitted to Nature scientific data.
Valler, Veronika; Franke, Jörg; Brugnara, Yuri; Burgdorf, Angela-Maria; Lundstad, Elin; Hand, Ralf; Samakinwa, Eric; Lipfert, Laura; Friedman, Andrew Ronald; Brönnimann, Stefan (2023). ModE-RAclim - A version of the ModE-RA reanalysis with climatological prior for sensitivity studies: Set 1420-3_1850-1. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.26050/WDCC/ModE-RAc_s14203-18501
SQA - Scientific Quality Assurance 'approved by author'
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Technical Quality Assurance (TQA)
TQA - Technical Quality Assurance 'approved by WDCC'
1. Number of data sets is correct and > 0: passed; 2. Size of every data set is > 0: passed; 3. The data sets and corresponding metadata are accessible: passed; 4. The data sizes are controlled and correct: passed; 5. The spatial-temporal coverage description (metadata) is consistent to the data, time steps are correct and the time coordinate is continuous: passed; 6. The format is correct: passed; 7. Variable description and data are consistent: passed
WDCC-TQA checklist
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