IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 SRESA2 run no.1: atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany


Roeckner, Erich; Lautenschlager, Michael; Schneider, Heiko

The data represent 6 hourly values of selected variables for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
(see also: https://www.ipcc-data.org)
The A2 scenario describes an economic development which is primarily regionally oriented and the technical change is more fragmented and slower than in the other SRES storylines. The experiment has been initialized in year 2000 of the 20C_1 run and continues until year 2100 with anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) according to A2. Datasets with monthly average values are also available.
Technical data to this experiment:
The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupled to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan). The output from the model run: hurrikan.dkrz.de: /ut/k/k204098/EXP000/run015
IPCC_AR4_ECHAM5/MPIOM (IPCC Assessment Report Four ECHAM5/MPIOM data sets)
Dr. Erich Roeckner (
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90 Altitude: -6.98 m to 10 hPa
Temporal Coverage
2001-01-01 to 2100-12-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
1.50 TiB (1654406120028 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Roeckner, Erich; Lautenschlager, Michael; Schneider, Heiko (2006). IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 SRESA2 run no.1: atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A2_1_6H

as consistent as the models are (ECHAM5.2.02, MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40)
ECHAM5 description, publications, handling, input-files and development see:
Findable: 6 of 7 level;
Accessible: 2 of 3 level;
Interoperable: 3 of 4 level;
Reusable: 4 of 10 level
F-UJI online v2.2.1 automated
Method Description
Checks performed by WDCC. Metrics documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081213 Metric Version: metrics_v0.5
Method Url
Result Date
exact [data_resolution: T63/N48]
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Is cited by

[1] DOI Barrera-Escoda, A.; Gonçalves, M.; Guerreiro, D.; Cunillera, J.; Baldasano, J. M. (2014). Projections of temperature and precipitation extremes in the North Western Mediterranean Basin by dynamical downscaling of climate scenarios at high resolution (1971-2050). doi:10.1007/s10584-013-1027-6

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[1] DOI Marsland, S.J.; Haak, H.; Jungclaus, J.H.; Latif, M.; Röske, F. (2003). The Max-Planck-Institute global ocean/sea ice model with orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. doi:10.1016/S1463-5003(02)00015-X
[2] Roeckner, E.; Baeuml, G.; Bonaventura, L.; Brokopf, R.; Esch, M.; Giorgetta, M.; Hagemann, S.; Kirchner, I.; Kornblueh, L.; Manzini, E.; Rhodin, A.; Schlese, U.; Schulzweida, U.; Tompkins, A. (2003). The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM 5. PART I: Model description. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0012-0144-5
[3] Roeckner, Erich; Brasseur, Guy; Giorgetta, Marco; Jacob, Daniela; Jungclaus, Johann; Reick, Christian; Sillmann, Jana. (2006). Climate Projections for the 21st Century. http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/Entry.jsp?acronym=mpi_brochure_ipcc_ar4

Is referenced by

[1] DOI Annor, Thompson; Lamptey, Benjamin; Wagner, Sven; Oguntunde, Philip; Arnault, Joël; Heinzeller, Dominikus; Kunstmann, Harald. (2017). High-resolution long-term WRF climate simulations over Volta Basin. Part 1: validation analysis for temperature and precipitation. doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2223-5

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[Entry acronym: EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A2_1_6H] [Entry id: 2038017]