Data for publication ‘Rapid increase in simulated North Atlantic dust deposition due to fast change of northwest African landscape during the Holocene’
Time slice simulations to investigate the dynamics of North Atlantic dust deposition and its link to Saharan dust emission, landscape and climate.
This archive contains material for the publication "Rapid increase in simulated North Atlantic dust deposition due to fast change of northwest African landscape during the Holocene" by Sabine Egerer, Martin Claussen and Christian Reick, submitted to Climate of the Past in March 2018.
All model experiments were performed with ECHAM-HAM version echam6.3-ham2.3from the ethz redmine SVN branch revision 3285.
The full model code is archived in echam6.3-ham2.3_tanja.tar.gz.
For all experiments, lakes and ocean condition are prescribed. The corresponding maps are stored in input/lakes and input/sst_sea_ice. Vegetation fractions and cover fractions for all PFTs are caculated interactively and are initialised with 50year means of the transient Holocene run (Bader et al., in prep.; slo0030) stored in input/vegetation
The model ouput is stored in seg_*k.tar.gz where * denotes the time slice.
Postprocessing files to recreate the figures are stored in postprocessing.tar.gz.
analyse_results contains the basic analysis and plots.
[1] DOIEgerer, S.; Claussen, M.; Reick, C. (0001). Rapid increase in simulated North Atlantic dust deposition due to fast change of northwest African landscape during the Holocene. doi:10.5194/cp-14-1051-2018