Back to entry detailsContact information for 'IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 PIcntrl(pre-industrial control experiment): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany' Contact type Metadata Name Hans-Hermann Winter URL Email Institute Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) Department Data Management (DM) Country Germany Place D-20146 Hamburg Street Bundesstrasse 45a Institute URL The selected person worked for another institute when this entry has been published
Institute Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie (MD) (MPI-M) Department Model and Data (MaD) Country Germany Place Hamburg Street Beim Schlump 58 Street Postal Code 20144 P.O. Box Bundesstrasse 53 P.O. Box postal code D-20146 Institute URL