Back to entry detailsContact information for 'IPCC-DDC_CCSRNIES_SRES_A1B: 211 YEARS MONTHLY MEANS National Institute for Environmental Studies and Center for Climate System Research Japan' Contact type Metadata Name Dr. Hans Luthardt Email Institute Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) Department Data Management (DM) Country Germany Place D-20146 Hamburg Street Bundesstrasse 45a Institute URL The selected person worked for another institute when this entry has been published
Institute Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie (MD) (MPI-M) Department Model and Data (MaD) Country Germany Place Hamburg Street Beim Schlump 58 Street Postal Code 20144 P.O. Box Bundesstrasse 53 P.O. Box postal code D-20146 Institute URL