The international HAPPI-MIP (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts - Model Intercomparison Project) initiative [1] has been launched in response to the announced intent of the
The project embraces the global model output data, relevant for the Special Report on IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the NorESM1-HAPPI [1] AGCM developed by the NCC (NorESM Climate modeling Consortium). This CERA experiment includes data of 135 AMIP simulations within the period
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the MIROC5 [1] AGCM developed by the University of Tokyo, NIES and JAMSTEC (MIROC). This CERA experiment includes data of 160 AMIP simulations within the period
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the CanAM4 [1] AGCM developed by the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma).
This CERA experiment includes data of 100 AMIP simulations of the
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the CAM4[1]/CLM4 [2] (CAM4-2degree) AGCM developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research – Department of Energy (NCAR-DOE). CAM4/CLM4 is part of the CESM
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the ECHAM6.3 [1] AGCM developed by the MPI-M (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology). This CERA experiment includes data of 100 AMIP simulations of the period 2006-2015,
Please note that data representing a warmer future climate are flawed by the use of incorrect sea ice coverage data. All data of the 1.5°C and the 2.0°C experiment of this CERA experiment have been replaced
Global HAPPI-Land protocol data based on the MIROC5 [1] AGCM developed by the
University of Tokyo, NIES and JAMSTEC (MIROC).
This CERA experiment includes data of
- 20 AMIP-like LandHist simulations
Global HAPPI-DE data interpolated first-order conservatively to a 0.5° regular grid and bias-corrected using the EWEMBI dataset [1] which has been developed by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Global HAPPI-Land protocol data based on the ECHAM6.3 [1] AGCM developed by the MPI-M (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology). This CERA experiment includes data of - 10 AMIP-like LandClimHist simulations
Global HAPPI Tier2 protocol data based on the ECHAM6.3 [1] AGCM developed by the
MPI-M (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology).
As a complement to the HAPPI-MIP ECHAM6.3 simulations this CERA experiment
Global freshwater simulation data based on the LPJmL [1,2] GHM developed by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
This CERA experiment includes data of 4 (GHMs) times 20 (realizations)
Global freshwater simulation data based on the WaterGAP [1] GHM developed by the Goethe University Frankfurt (GU).
This CERA experiment includes data of 4 (GHMs) times 20 (realizations) freshwater-impact