This project includes global model simulations with the global multi-resolution Finite Volume Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM version 2.1) coupled to the Regulated Ecosystem Model (REcoM version 3). For this project, model simulations include a representation of terrigenous inputs from both rivers and coastal erosion and were run from 1950-2100 on a model grid with eddy-permitting (4.5 km) resolution at pan-Arctic scale. The ocean-only model simulations were forced at the ocean surface with 3-hourly atmospheric output from the AWI Climate Model. The project includes model experiments under four “Shared Socioeconomic Pathways” emission scenarios, a control run and sensitivity experiments.
This experiment represents the simulation with varying terrigenous inputs for the future projection (ssp1-2.6) also called EXP5
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Oziel, Laurent; Gürses, Özgür; Torres-Valdes, Sinhué; Hoppe, J.M.; Rost, Björn; Karakuş, Onur; Danek, Christopher; Juhls, Bennet; Völker, Christopher; Koldunov, Nikolay; Wang, Qiang; Iversen, Morten H.; Koch, Boris P.; Nissen, Cara; Hauck, Judith (2024). Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3 with eddy-permitting grid resolution and terrigenous inputs in the Arctic Ocean. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3 with eddy-permitting grid resolution and terrigenous inputs in the Arctic Ocean